
Eye Glasses – Medical Device and Fashion Accessory

Life is full of decisions – selecting the perfect pair of eye glasses is one of the most important! So many considerations to make – style, color, comfort, function – Binyon Vision Center has the best selection in Bellingham to help you find the ideal pair of eye glasses.  We are proud to be exclusive partners in Bellingham of several handcrafted frame lines from Europe, including Lafont Paris, Face à Face Paris and Feb31st.  It is important to us to support independent businesses.  Many of the manufacturers we work with have unique stories we would love to share with you.  We select our vendors very particularly, to make sure their dedication to quality and patient satisfaction equals ours.

Next Page: Lenses

” It is so fun choosing frames with the opticians! They provide great feedback and are as excited about the new look as I am! I appreciate that! ” – Terri F.