Flashes, Floaters, Red Eyes – a guide to medical eye care
Our optometrists are available to address medical eye care including emergent eye problems, ongoing monitoring of eye conditions such as glaucoma or dry eyes and post operative care for Lasik and cataract removal.
If you are experiencing any issues with your eyes requiring medical eye care, please call to discuss with one of our doctors as soon as possible.
Brief definitions of some of the common medical eye conditions.
Cataracts – A clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which as it progresses with time will create blurry, hazy vision.
Conjunctivitis – Inflammation of the thin, clear coating of the eye and inside of the eyelids, often causes red, itchy, eyes with or without mucus discharge.
Corneal Abrasion (scratched eye) – loss of cells and/or tissue on the surface of the eye, often painful, causing red eyes and a hypersensitivity to light.
Detached Retina – The retina becomes detached from it’s underlying tissue, if not treated immediately can cause permanent vision loss. Signs include spots, floaters or flashes of light, sudden blurriness of vision or seeing a shadow or curtain descend across your vision. If you experience any of these symptoms, call our office right away.
Dry Eye Syndrome – Lack of sufficient lubrication to the eyes can cause irritation, inflammation, and in severe cases, scarring to the front of the eye.
Glaucoma – Damage to the optic nerve can occur with few to no initial symptoms due to elevated pressure in the eye. If left untreated, causes periphery vision loss and eventual blindness.
Macular Degeneration – Deterioration of the macula, center part of the retina, causes irreversible blind spots in the central vision area.
Red Eyes – A bloodshot or red, irritated eyes can be caused by allergies, eye fatigue, contact lens overuse or an eye infection, but can also indicate a more serious condition. Persistent, worsening red eyes should be checked as soon as possible.
” I called to schedule an appointment for a non-regular eye exam on short notice. I was able to be seen very soon after my call, and the person handling the scheduling was very nice and helpful, answering questions about timing and payment options. Dr. LeClaire was, as always, extremely kind and professional, and moved with efficiency through the exam without leaving me feeling like I had been rushed or overlooked. There was always room to ask questions or voice thoughts and concerns. Dr. LeClaire has always been very thorough in our appointments and this short-notice appointment felt just the same. I always appreciate my experience at Binyon.” – Katherine
” My experience with cataract diagnosis and referral to an excellent surgeon was great and then the Aftercare visits were informative and helpful in making my recovery easier. I would refer others to this Center. Thank you for all your help.” – Susan