There’s a story behind every pair of glasses…
… and in Andy’s case, it’s two pairs of glasses. As systems administrator at a local credit union, Andy spends between 10-14 hours per day in front of a computer screen.
All Photos: Katheryn Moran Photography
Andy has worn prescription computer glasses for several years. Before the specialized glasses, his eyes were always tired and he fought daily headaches. In contrast, Dr. McEathron’s computer prescription brings the screen into focus for Andy and relieves his eye strain.
Digital Eye Strain
The Vision Council ( defines digital eye strain as physical discomfort that can occur after 2 hours of computer or other digital device use. Types of physical discomfort include eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, blurred vision and neck and back pain. So, why does digital eye strain occur? When you work at a computer, your eyes are having to focus and refocus as you read, look at your keyboard, look around the room and back to the screen. In addition, the screen adds constant glare, contrast and flicker – plus it emits high energy blue light. Blue light gives screens their brightness. Likewise, that bright, high energy light that can overload the visual system and add to the eye strain.

Shamir Blue Zero
Andy’s most recent lenses, computer glasses, use a new material called Shamir Blue Zero. This material absorbs blue light, but appears clear unlike many blue-light blocking products that have a yellowish tint. Finally, it combines excellent blue light protection with optical clarity- something that’s not available with any other similar product available on the market. Blue Zero is available in single vision, office progressive and general progressive lenses manufactured by Shamir USA. Contact us if you have questions on availability of this material.
Furthermore, when he’s not on the computer, Andy wears a different pair of glasses. These are his distance prescription so they work well for driving, watching movies and hiking with his wife and dogs. He finds himself putting them on as soon as he goes away from the computer because he likes seeing the world around him more clearly.
Andy is wearing the OGI Eyewear 4807 in grey demi.
Thank you to Andy for participating in this photoshoot and your feedback on your computer glasses.
Grattitude to Camber Coffee for allowing us to use your beautiful location.
Much appreciation to the very talented Katheryn Moran of Katheryn Moran Photography.